Notice that I start the Flume agent in a Docker container using a docker-compose file. My question is: is it a warm-up issues in Flume? It seems that if I do not send any message for a while, again I will have some delay seeing the logs in the console. After sending several messages I see the logs immediately in the console.

This is only the case for the first message being sent after starting the Flume agent. 20 The construction and operation of flumes. Discharge relationships for one-foot flume. The problem that I have is as follows: sometimes when I send the HTTP POST request to the Flume agent, It takes 1-5 second till I see the logs in the console. SURFACE WATER TECHNIQUES Use of Flumes in Measuring Discharge at Gaging Stations HYDRAULIC MEASUREMENT AND COMPUTATION BOOK 1 CHAP. The only thing that the Flume agent does, it to receive the HTTP POST request through the HTTP Source and logs the events using the Logger Sink. This week’s review of vintage logging is about flumes (sluiceways) that were used to transport logs and lumber across uneven terrain.

I have a simple Flume agent with the following configuration: agent.sources = http-sourceĪ = .http.HTTPSourceĪ = logger-channelĪ = logger-channelĪ = memoryĪ = 1000